13 research outputs found

    Речення з розщепленням як прагматичні оператори системності англомовного дискурсу

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню речень з розщепленням в англомовному дискурсі, що виступають його прагматичними операторами і сприяють модифікації логіко-семантичного, прагмасемантичного, прагмастилістичного планів чи комплексній модифікації різноманітних планів англомовного дискурсу. (This article is devoted to research of sentences with splitting in the English discourse, serving its pragmatic operators and facilitating modifications of logic-semantic, pragmasemantic, pragmastylistic plans or comprehensive modifications of various plans in the English discourse. It also covers an issue of a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge – synergy seeking universal designs – evolution and self-organization of complex systems. It is thanks to the synergy (‘merge of energies’) functional properties text acquires discursive speech characteristics and becomes immersed in life. Feature of synergistic discourse analysis is to examine its functional plan in dynamics, revealing the direction of functional discourse connections in their interaction.

    Імерсивні електронні освітні ресурси: Методи проектування

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    Proper design is the basis for the success of any application development, regardless of industry and field of application. This fully applies to both software design and learning design. Designing e-learning resources is a hybrid activity that significantly increases risks due to the speed of technological change. The risks are even greater when it comes to technologies of increased attention - immersive. In this regard, it is important to develop design methods for immersive e-learning resources – educational, scientific, informational, reference materials and tools used in an immersive environment, reproduced by immersive technical tools, and necessary for effective organization of the educational process.Правильне проектування є основою успіху розробки будь-якого додатку, незалежно від галузі та сфери застосування. Це повною мірою стосується як дизайну програмного забезпечення, так і дизайну навчання. Проектування електронних навчальних ресурсів - це гібридна діяльність, яка значно підвищує ризики через швидкість технологічних змін. Ризики ще більше зростають, коли мова йде про технології підвищеної уваги - імерсивні. У зв'язку з цим актуальним є розробка методів проектування імерсивних е-навчальних ресурсів - навчальних, наукових, інформаційних, довідкових матеріалів та засобів, що використовуються в імерсивному середовищі, відтворюються імерсивними технічними засобами, та необхідні для ефективної організації навчального процесу

    Design methodology for immersive educational resources

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    Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered.Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered

    Functional-Style Peculiarities of English Computer Discourse

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    Статтю присвячено англомовному комп’ютерному дискурсу, який є поєднанням усного та письмового аспектів комунікації з принципово новими структурними та стилістичними властивостями. Проаналізовано специфічні ознаки та комунікативні особливості комп’ютерного дискурсу. This article is devoted to the English computer discourse, which is a combination of oral and written aspects of communication with fundamentally new structural and stylistic characteristics. The research analyses the specific traits and communication features of computer discourse

    Structure, Optical and Electric Properties of Opal-Bismuth Silicate Nanocomposites

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    Synthetic opals composed of 300 nm silica spheres are impregnated with a Bi₁₂SiO₂₀ melt at 1190 K. Structure and properties of the as-prepared samples are studied by employing the scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and optical spectroscopy and direct current conductivity techniques. The nanocomposites are found to be multi-phase systems composed of Bi₁₂SiO₂₀, Bi₄Si₃O₁₂ and SiO₂ crystallites with an average linear size not less than 20 nm. Formation of Bi₄Si₃O₁₂ crystallites becomes possible as a result of changing in the Bi₂O₃-SiO₂ molar ratio due to the melting of silica spheres. The Raman intensity redistribution observed by surface scanning may be caused by both composition inhomogeneity and concentration of the exciting radiation field at composite defects. The "red" shift of photoluminescence band is observed. Activation energy of direct current conductivity is estimated as 1.1 eV

    Navigation Safety Control System Development Through Navigator Action Prediction by Data Mining Means

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    Taking into account current trends in the development of ergatic maritime transport systems, the factors of the navigator's influence on vessel control processes were determined. Within the framework of the research hypothesis, to improve navigation safety, it is necessary to apply predictive data mining models and automated vessel control. The paper proposes a diagram of the ergatic vessel control system and a model for identifying the influence of the navigator “human factor” during navigation. Within the framework of the model based on the principles of navigator decision trees, prediction by data mining means is applied, taking into account the identifiers of the occurrence of a critical situation. Based on the prediction results, a method for optimal vessel control in critical situations was developed, which is triggered at the nodes of the navigator decision tree, which reduces the likelihood of a critical impact on vessel control. The proposed approaches were tested in the research laboratory “Development of decision support systems, ergatic and automated vessel control systems”. The use of the Navi Trainer 5,000 navigation simulator (Wärtsilä Corporation, Finland) and simulation of the navigation safety control system for critical situations have confirmed its effectiveness. As a result of testing, it was determined that the activation of the system allowed reducing the likelihood of critical situations by 18–54 %. In 11 % of cases, the system switched the vessel control processes to automatic mode and, as a result, reduced the risk of emergencies. The use of automated data mining tools made it possible to neutralize the negative influence of the “human factor” of the navigator and to reduce the average maneuvering time during vessel navigation to 23